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"Report problems with the forum itself"

by Bugmagnet on 2015/08/20 04:02:14 PM    
I have noticed this problem when I type too much or get distracted and return a little while later to complete a post.

My login times out. When I finish typing what I want, and click to post it, I get the captha challenge indicating I am no longer logged in. At that point, if I choose to login so that post is shown by my username instead of "Guest" everything I have typed gets deleted and I have to start all over.
by Pete on 2015/08/20 05:41:47 PM    
Try posting without answering the captha question. The forum will tell you the answer is incorrect, but the text will be posted. Then just sign in, you will be redirected back to "Posting reply" but the message will be there. It worked for me numerous times.
by Bugmagnet on 2015/08/20 07:46:26 PM    
I'll have to give that a try. Either that or be less verbose in my posts :)
by John on 2015/08/20 08:19:25 PM    
Just login with your profile, for Christ's sake.
by Bugmagnet on 2015/08/22 04:57:01 AM    
John, please re-read the problem...

"I have noticed this problem when I type too much or get distracted and return a little while later to complete a post.

My login times out."

I WAS logged in when I started writing the post.
by John on 2015/08/22 11:58:47 AM    
My bad, Bugmagnet.

"Session Keep Alive" should be the answer, server side.

There is also a Firefox plugin with that name that does the same thing, client side.

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