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Need Help Please Big Issue

by Guest on 2014/10/02 07:13:45 AM    
hey im having an issue with my port or something because im use a website to download torrent i think they call it a private torrenting sites in that site is a thing call Connectability Checker that is to Check IP address and port i get an error Port XXXXX on XX.XX.XXX.XXX failed to connect on the DHT on tixati i get started unconfirmed incoming port but on the home screen my status is listening /OK "Please Someone Help" i cant use tixati because my ratio is not going up on the website i use

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by Guest on 2014/10/16 01:19:55 PM    
DHT is not needed on a private tracker, so you can go ahead and disable that.
by Guest on 2015/01/03 06:10:47 PM    
Try port forwarding. Go to this  and choose your router then open your port.

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