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Imposible to translate properly

by Guest on 2021/06/28 06:50:58 PM    
Why are you using some custom translation format instead of gettext? It makes it impossible to properly translate strings containing plurals since many languages do have several plural forms.
by Guest on 2024/08/02 11:13:21 PM    
Another issue with translation: Some strings are constructed on the fly at runtime from several different strings in the language file. This leads to several issues that prevent correct translation:

1) not all languages use capitalization on each word
2) not all languages use the same order of words as English
3) depending on other parts of the concatenated string, one English word needs to be translated differently

As a general rule, translatable strings must never use concatenation and if they include any variables, must use numbered placeholders (to allow rearranging).
by JeepWillys58 on 2024/08/14 02:00:15 PM    
In my humble opinion, this is the software with the most translation flaws I've ever seen, and not only from a technical point of view, but from a visual point of view as well. A great example of the developer's mess and lack of attention is the color configuration section. It's a real mess. There's no direct reference to almost anything in the visual interface. Most of the field names aren't even identifiable, and this is a part where translation simply doesn't exist, making it impossible for a beginner user to customize the colors. It looks like something very poorly done, like a gigantic book written to teach, where the author uses a language he created himself and that no one else in the world speaks. In other words, it's useless.

I've been using Tixati for three years and since then I've been trying to understand the nomenclature of the color section. To this day, I don't know what represents what in the interface, except for a few names that are obvious or have the same nomenclature as the interface. The rest is like reading a book in Aramaic without ever having studied the language. I think there's a long way to go before this part is actually useful.
by Plizze on 2024/10/13 09:04:07 PM    
Welcome to the club JeepWillys58
I had to work magic to get a 90% correct translation.
Fortunately, in Spanish it doesn't matter where you put the qualifiers. It is correct to say “a wonderful dangerous world”, “a world wonderful dangerous”, bla bla. You have to keep the words in your brain, and then make a cocktail with them :)

When you see English words sneak into your translation, try to add that word to the translation file. in many cases, Tixati will accept it.
- If you notice phrases pending translation, try entering that phrase in the file and under its translation.

- Another tip (Today they are free):
Open the translation file with notepad++
Start Tixati in your language
When you want to observe your progress, click 'Save' in notepad++
Reload the translation file in Tixati
Restart the program
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