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Italian translation

by Guest on 2021/06/21 06:41:09 PM    
Italian translation:
• Strings translated:   99%
• Strings untranslated:  1%
Untranslated strings are related to 'error messages': if You need support ask to Tixati's Forum with the 'error message' received from program.

The translation file is hosted on PasteBin at this link: https://pastebin.com/bf0T4pwB
• On PasteBin press 'Download' button for grab the translation.
• Link expiration: never.

How to install this translation
1. First download the .txt file from link on PasteBin
2. copy this file in '.\Tixati_portable' or in '.\Tixati_portable\language' (better choice)
3. run Tixati: in the main window click on the button '?' (question mark symbol) > Switch Language
4. Click on the folder icon, choose the text file 'Tixati_language_Italian.txt' and confirm
5. restart Tixati
6. done

About this translation:
This translation is for Tixati Install/Portable rel. 2.83 or higher.
The template's author has used abbreviations and many terms are specialized (Bittorrent and communication terms).
I have put notes next to the entries in the English version: the notes are in round brackets.

Many thanks to developer/s.

Please donate to them.
by Guest on 2021/07/18 06:42:36 PM    
Italian translation update:
• Strings translated:   100%

The translation file is hosted on PasteBin at this link: https://pastebin.com/87Bp2fcu
• On PasteBin press 'Download' button for grab the translation.
• Link expiration: never.

How to install this translation
1. First download the .txt file from link on PasteBin
2. copy this file in '.\Tixati_portable' or in '.\Tixati_portable\language' (better choice)
3. run Tixati: in the main window click on the button '?' (question mark symbol) > Switch Language
4. Click on the folder icon, choose the text file 'Tixati_language_Italian.txt' and confirm
5. restart Tixati
6. done

About this translation:
This translation is for Tixati Install/Portable rel. 2.83 or higher.

Please note that some words/strings will not translated, because there are some little bugs on program interface.
by Wiccio on 2021/12/23 10:26:24 AM    
Thanks so much! ;-) | Grazie mille! ;-)
by Guest on 2022/06/30 04:55:09 PM    
Thank you
by Guest on 2023/03/28 05:28:09 AM    
by Guest on 2025/03/26 01:27:32 PM    
The translation in Italian is no longer found

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