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Traducción al Español de España - by Grudes_SP

by Guest on 2022/02/12 01:21:13 AM    
Traducción para el programa Tixati. Castellano de España.
Al texto le falta algunos retoques, pero esta muy avanzado.

Revisen sucesivas actualizaciones.

Link - V01:

Translation for the Tixati program. Castilian from Spain.
The text lacks some tweaks, but it is very advanced.

Check out future updates.
by Guest on 2022/02/15 01:08:52 AM    
by Guest on 2022/05/16 07:09:50 PM    
podrías resubirlo? ya no está disponible. Gracias


could you reupload it? it's no longer available. Thank you
by Guest on 2022/05/23 01:28:51 PM    
Lo borre yo sin querer. Disculpar.

Lo tenéis en este link:



I accidentally deleted it. Excuse.

You have it in this link:
by Guest on 2022/06/26 10:29:40 AM    
Gracias por el trabajo.


Thanks for the work.
by Guest on 2025/02/19 03:55:48 PM    
Good job, I'm glad I can have this program localized thanks to your work. Keep it up

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