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Is Tixati development still active?

by AndroidRocks on 2014/04/22 02:13:50 AM    
Hey, I'm considering to switch to Tixati from uTorrent. Just wondering though, is development still in progress? I see last update was from July 2013...
by janet on 2014/04/22 03:52:46 AM    
Yes, Tixati is still active. The devs are hard at work developing a new version right now.
by AndroidRocks on 2014/04/22 02:50:16 PM    
by Guest on 2014/04/22 05:34:17 PM    
So, when can we expect the new version to come out, approx? :P

Tixati is very awesome, just because it has those small details that make it the most user-friendly torrent client in the Universe!! You don't even need to change it much GUI-wise (maybe make it even more black, I like that very much :D ) just make it so it uses a bit less system resources - that's all. :D

I've left the uTorrent almost a year ago, and did not regret going to TIXATI...it is my primary and ONLY torrent-client, and I recommend it to everyone of my friends and foes(noobs or higher) just because it simply has all that a user needs..and more. Keep up the good work guys! Oh, and I cannot stress this enough... Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for making this piece of software!! :)
by janet on 2014/04/23 04:44:45 AM    
The devs are a tight-lipped bunch and will only say that it's in the works and on its way.
by DrTeeth on 2014/04/24 12:21:10 AM    
The last update was May 2013.

It is not healthy for the community or fan base to not have a release for almost a year. With all due respect to Janet, she says the same thing each time somebody asks and it would be nice to see some actual evidence that Tixati is not dead.
by Guest on 2014/04/28 09:02:33 AM    
by mohas on 2014/04/28 06:49:14 PM    
Thank you for your great app, I've recently switched from bitorrent and I'm happy with it. Is there a way for us to suggest features?
by Guest on 2014/04/30 08:04:35 PM    
I too would like to express my gratitude to the developers for this awesome freeware. Keep it up guys, we the people love you!
by Bugmagnet on 2014/05/01 04:37:35 AM    

just start a new thread here with something in the title such as "feature request" and a concise reference to what it is, then in the body outline the details etc.

or... donate some money and send a note along :)
by Nili on 2014/05/02 10:13:19 AM    
Wonder if devs reply on donators?
by Stack on 2014/07/04 10:19:48 AM    
Regardless if it's in development or not (they say it is still) it works pretty good in the state it is in now. BitTorrent started in July 2001, after 12 years the core components are pretty stable. The clients that update more frequently are usually adding extra features. Tixati still offers features and options that no other client offers.

Ironically the best uTorrent clients are the older ones before they started adding "features".

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