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Creating new torrents

by Guest on 2014/01/04 04:15:59 PM    
I was wanting to share a file with some friends, but I can't see any way in tixati for me to create a torrent of my own files. Is this something tixati supports?
by Pete on 2014/01/05 07:12:59 PM    
In order to create new torrent:
1. on transfers view use Add button, select Create New Seed tab,
2. browse for file/folder and hit Create,
3. optionally add a tracker (on trackers tab: right click > Edit Trackers...),
4. right click newly created torrent > Meta-Info > Save .torrent or Copy Magnet Link to share with your friends.
by Guest on 2014/01/08 12:21:28 AM    
i don't see a trackers tab
by Pete on 2014/01/08 12:57:31 PM    
In Tixati you can add trackers after the torrent is created. When using default Tab View, select the torrent, Trackers tab will be in lower part of the screen among Details, Files, Peers. You can also access these tabs by selecting Properties from upper bar or context menu.

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