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feature suggestion: different "move to on complete" locations

by jadesoturi on 2013/10/20 03:19:50 PM    

I am a long time Tixati user and love the software. Its stable, fast and simple.

But I would love it even more, if it was possible to "extend" the "move to on complete" feature. Sometimes you download software, other times movies or say e-books. The move to feater now just moves them to ONE location. It would be greate if it was possible, when starting the torrent, to select where the file is to be moved when its done. I imagine most people dont keep their ebooks among their movies:)

Another way of doing it is to setup predefined paths for different categories, and when you start a torrent you just choose the category it belongs to, or, in the transfer view, have the list split into different categories and you could just drag and drop the torrent to whatever category you wish..

Is this something that is doable?

Thanks in advance!

by dloneranger on 2013/10/21 07:12:04 AM    
Tixati has categories already, and each can have it own location, and you can select categories when adding torrents or just drag on the main display
(the categories have locations for incoming and finished files)
If you can't see the category bar, click the layout button at the top right (just under help)
by Pete on 2013/10/21 10:21:46 AM    
This is possible now. You can set different downloading and seeding location for each category and just select category on load transfer screen. You can do it manually too, on the bottom of load transfer screen there are: "Local Files Location" and "Move On Complete" fields. When torrent is loaded you can at any time change it's Move destination from Properties or context menu.
by jadesoturi on 2013/10/21 08:00:00 PM    
Ahh.. awesome.. Didn't realize I could add my own categories there.. Thanks! Best torrent soft ever:)

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