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How to Auto-start torrents?
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by shukero on 2013/10/15 02:15:29 AM    

I'd like to first point out that this is an AWESOME program and that if I would have known about it sooner, I would have jumped off of uTorrent years ago; anyway on to my question:

Whenever I hit a .torrent link/magnet link on a website, I have it set up to automatically go to tixati; but I would like to get rid of the "pop-up" window which wants me to "confirm" the starting of the torrent. I've looked all over the place and even in the "help" button, but it is un-clear to me where / what I must do to make this happen. Can someone explain this to me?

by Pete on 2013/10/15 11:23:49 AM    

You can configure when this pop up appears in Tixati Settings > Behavior > Transfer loading priority/location prompt.
by shukero on 2013/10/18 04:24:57 AM    
I've been to this pop-up many times; but I can't find the option to have the torrent "Auto-start" without the pop-up box. which checkbox / setting is this a part of?

by Pete on 2013/10/19 07:03:29 PM    
On Behaviour page: disable "Activate main window when new transfers are loaded".
On Transfer loading priority/location prompt Configure window: disable "Created In Add Window Or Shell"
by shukero on 2013/10/22 01:18:58 AM    
Thank you!
by Guest on 2013/10/24 12:43:34 AM    
Thanks Pete!

I just switched to Tixati from uTorrent. I'm starting to dislike uTorrent - so much adware and crap.

Tixati seems really nice, and this configuration made it better!
by Guest on 2014/02/24 06:21:40 AM    
I kept "Activate main window when new transfers are loaded" checked because it didn't seem that matter. I had to uncheck all items under "Conditions" in "Transfer loading priority/location prompt." Started fine when I uploaded a torrent to Dropbox and had Tixati start torrent in the specified folder.
by Guest on 2014/02/25 12:44:34 AM    
Thanks Pete, this kills Utorrent.
by Guest on 2014/03/03 04:31:20 PM    
Just my 2 cents... but how will Joe Average associate -disable "Created In Add Window Or Shell" with auto-start?
by Guest on 2014/05/06 07:14:54 PM    
Just what I needed thank you, I also switched from uTorrent to Tixati.
by Guest on 2014/05/11 05:08:05 PM    
Same here. uTorrent has had its day when they sold out to adware
by Guest on 2014/11/14 07:45:59 PM    
Thank you so much, saved the day.
by Guest on 2015/03/25 08:50:25 AM    
Thanks for this, old thread I know but info still very much needed. Tixati rox!!
by Guest on 2015/11/18 07:38:44 PM    
Kubuntu 14.05. Tixati 2.25, auto-loading .torrents from directory definitely does not work in my case. Anyone managed to fix this?
by Guest on 2015/12/13 10:10:07 AM    
Thank you!
by Guest on 2016/01/09 04:41:56 AM    
For what it's worth, I wanted to auto-start torrents from a watched folder, so I unchecked the option "Created From Watched Folder" in the pop-up under "User Interface" -- "Behavior" -- "Transfer loading priority/location prompt" as well as disabling option "Activate main window when new transfers are loaded" on "User Interface -- "Behavior" page. This worked for me.
by Guest on 2016/03/19 01:02:10 PM    
Just Disable the "From Watched folders" option in the submenu to get it working when loading from folders
by Guest on 2019/09/24 03:06:02 PM    
Thanks for a great program. Very polished and efficient. Unfortunately I'm still having a problem getting V2.63 (running on the latest Windows 10 64bit) to autostart when I click on a magnet link.

I've tried all the suggestions in this thread but I still get the prompt "Open Tixati?"

Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks
by Guest on 2019/10/01 11:00:39 PM    
Thanks for this suggestions - working fine for me, now :-)

Now another wish to the Tixati Team - auto-start torrents:

Normally I let Tixati run overnight (with my VPN provider active).

Sometimes the VPN tunnel breaks down and Tixati close down, and then I
have to restart Tixati in the morning.

What about a Tixati-deamon (small comsuming one) running in the background,
so if a VPN tunnel breaks down, the deamon starts Tixati up again when the
VPN tunnel is up again (in my case: TAP-Windows Adapter V9)

This function could be set on/off in Settings.

Just a suggestion :-)

Regards - Ordinary Guy...
by Guest on 2020/05/07 01:19:49 AM    
Just want to say a big thank you!!!   All these years with utorrent and other rubbish.  If only I had known.  Keep up the good work
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