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Tixati 2.16 doesn't seed to uTorrent clients

by AssassinLV on 2015/09/05 05:07:04 PM    
As the title says Tixati 2.16 does not (at least for me) upload anything to uTorrent, bitTorrent, qBitTorrent & bitLord clients. (I always get "remote disconected")

As I reverted back to Tixati 2.12 - this problem was solved.
by Guest on 2015/09/06 01:53:50 AM    
is it a specific version of those other clients? who can you upload to?
by Napsterbater on 2015/09/06 05:23:46 AM    
No Problems seeding to any clients you listed with 2.16 here.

Do you have a software firewall? If yes does it check the hash/signature of the exe to make sure it didn't change, and if changed block it.
by AssassinLV on 2015/09/06 01:43:16 PM    
That's a thing.. I created the torrent. and when I posted it on a torrent site I noticed that I could seed only to Vuze, libTorrent & partially to one more torrent client... But as fast as I reversed to 2.12 the issue was gone...
And no - it was independent from what version of torrent clients it was.
by Lonelobo on 2015/09/06 06:08:31 PM    
I have the same problem, when i create a torrent and start seeding (supper-seed) i can only seed to vuze/aria clients, and not to qbittorent (3.2.3) & utorrent (3.4.4) clients (according to tixati stats). when i disable super-seed i can connect to all of them.
by Pete on 2015/09/06 08:48:10 PM    
I don't have this problem either. Tixati 1.16 seeds OK to all clients mentioned, at least in my case.
by Napsterbater on 2015/09/06 10:50:07 PM    
AssassinLV, see my post above for some needed info.

Also did you visually compare (screenshot the peer window in 2.16) the clients in 2.16 and 2.12.
I.e. same peer/IP in both clients both outbound connections (confirm not inbound on 2.12), yet works on 2.12 and not on 2.16.
by Guest on 2015/09/07 05:39:31 AM    
Those having seeding troubles-> what OS are you using?

Lonelobo-> what version of tixati are you using?

to AssassinLV-> are you superseeding?
by Lonelobo on 2015/09/07 02:50:16 PM    
Tixati v2.16, windows 10 x64 (build 10532)
by Pete on 2015/09/07 07:29:57 PM    
The short answer is: don't use super seeding if you have such problems.

Super seeding depends on HAVE messages. HAVE message basically says to everyone: "I have just completed X piece!" (X is a piece index). This way other connected peers know that you just downloaded a new, possibly interesting piece, so they can trade pieces they've got with you.

Some clients (for example qBittorrent) are "optimized", so they don't send HAVE messages to connected seeds, although they still do send HAVE messages to other downloading peers. The reason behind this is: a seed doesn't need HAVE messages any more. He already completed 100% of a torrent, he doesn't care which pieces others have just obtained. It is usually true, but not in case of a super seed.

When super seeding, Tixati tells "I'm a seed" to a connected peer, but it doesn't show all pieces as usual seed does. Instead it shows only a couple of pieces (three if I remember correctly). When a peer downloads a piece, it should send HAVE message back. Tixati receives that information and it shows another piece (most likely also using HAVE massege). This way, a seeding Tixati decides which pieces each connected peer can get, it also knows which pieces were successfully sent so far. Basically this is the purpose of super seeding, to control which pieces are uploaded and evenly distribute data to all peers.

If a client as qBittorrent connects, it will download those first three pieces, sending no HAVE messages back. Tixati won't show him any new pieces, so he is stalled wasting a connection slot. uTorrent has this "optimization" too, but it isn't default setting, as far as I know.

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